
We Expect Great Things for You

Friday, February 26th, 2016

Do us a favor: Walk into your empty church facility, and take a moment to listen. What do you hear?

If you are like us, you may hear the echoes of what is to come. The hustle and bustle of a Sunday morning service, the quiet prayers of a Bible study, or giggling children in a room nearby. Church is a busy place, a quiet place, a crazy place … all at once.

Now add your clergy, staff, and volunteers to that mental picture.

Are they ready to greet newcomers, ready for an emergency situation, ready to conduct a business meeting? Have you done everything you can to prepare them for bigger congregations, bigger church business strategies, and bigger church life?

This is where CongregationU enters the picture. We are here to provide you with the resources you need to train clergy members, staff members, volunteers, and laity. And we’re doing it all online, allowing time to be spent on the true missions of your congregation.

We’re starting with categories and training we think you need: safety and security, abuse prevention, and leadership and management skills. Most of the courses are designed to take about 25 to 30 minutes.

We’ll be adding topics regularly, but we want to hear from you:

• What are the training needs for your clergy?
• How do your staff members learn about new policies in a timely manner?
• How comfortable are your volunteers with the tasks they do every day?
• Would your regular churchgoers benefit from training about specific topics?
• Would you like to build your own courses with topics specific to your congregation?

We expect CongregationU to be your partner in educating your church members and staff—and we want you to join us on this journey. Contact us to provide input and learn more about our training and how we can help your church start today.