When it comes to sexual harassment, the best policy is zero tolerance! And the right way to achieve this is to train all of your staff and volunteers about sexual harassment with faith-based online training from CongregationU.
Some states such as New York, California and Illinois are leading the way in requiring sexual harassment training for everyone. Don’t leave your organization vulnerable to a lawsuit or penalty for not training everyone. CongregationU offers:
Sexual Harassment Training – Harassment Awareness for Employees: This course will help employees and volunteers have an awareness of sexual harassment and take action to stop it when they see it happening in the workplace.
Sexual Harassment Training for Supervisors and Managers: This course will empower leaders, supervisors and managers to create a harassment-free work environment and know how to handle a harassment complaint.
Sexual harassment courses from CongregationU are faith-based, developed from real-life scenarios, easily trackable and come with a certificate of completion for each user. We also offer courses specific to California, Illinois and New York.
Our courses are affordable. Buy it for individual users or buy it for everyone in your church or organization with our cost-effective rooftop pricing, which includes more than 40 courses!
Call us about your online training needs!Contact us at 866.862.5855 or info@congregationu.com.